Why I Don’t Pay to Fix My Resume! I Do This Instead (4 Alternatives to Resume Writing Services) 

Resume writing services are practical, and some options are very affordable and will get the job done. However, sometimes, we just need to look at the alternatives, come up with a plan, and do it by ourselves.

We’ve compiled a list of alternatives for those who want to write their own resume using resources other than the services online. Hopefully, by the end of reading this article, our readers can find a suitable option that can help them move forward.

Still want to take advantage of a fair-priced professional resume writing service and consult a career advice expert? If you think, “I wish I could pay to fix my resume,” you can try out Skillhub and invest in your career today. It’s a wise decision if you’re short of time and resources.

Moving on, for those job seekers willing to explore other opportunities, here are some alternatives to resume writing services.


Before building up a bot-beating resume that will also impress recruiters, job seekers should be realistic and know which key skills they possess. If an applicant does not possess the necessary skill set for a position, they’ll be wasting their time trying to catch up.

Job seekers should try to acquire the skills they need and improve their qualification before they apply for the desired position. There are many online platforms that teach individuals from scratch. uDemy and Coursera, for example, offer a plethora of courses for almost everything.

Do It Yourself

An obvious solution and alternative would be to modify your resume on your own. Here are some simple guidelines to do that.

  • Research can help you extract updated information on how to build up the resume.
  • Stick to relevant industry-specific information.
  • Look at numerous examples to get a better idea of the whole process and what the market is looking for.
  • Use preexisting templates or resume builders online.
  • Use free education from career resources like job platforms such as LinkedIn. They provide some free courses you can enroll in.
  • Professional communities on social media platforms can also help freshers out. Post on forums to get advice from others online. Likewise, post in groups on Facebook that are relevant to bolstering your knowledge on building a career.
  • Use online tools such as Grammarly to correct any faults in your writing.

Of course, for those who are relatively new to it, it will take some more time and effort to craft a winning resume. But the result is worth it as you’ll increase your self-confidence and gain new skills.

Seek Help From a Close One

This option won’t be applicable to everyone since it depends on personal circumstances, but ask a friend, family member, or relative to help you when upgrading a resume. It’s especially a good idea if this person works in an industry/job that is similar to yours.

Of course, job applicants have to consider if the helper can quickly adapt to the changing job market since you need to keep abreast of the current trends. However, do not neglect an opportunity to get specific insider tips on the employment process, including work experience and skills that allow you to get noticed by recruiting firms.

Do not rush this process. Try to learn meticulously and listen to any advice relevant to your sphere. Compare what they say should be on a resume to what you might find online. Ask questions to understand your strengths and weaknesses. The more you learn, the less help will be needed for the next time.

Turn to an Acquaintance in Human Resources

If you have an acquaintance who works in HR, consider yourself lucky and do not hesitate to ask for their opinion on your resume. Professionals who work in HR have to manage recruitment and have typically seen their fair share of resumes. They know how to beat the applicant tracking system and impress the hiring manager or potential employer. Thus, you can get valuable information on how to build up your job application.

Find Someone Good at Writing and Attentive to Detail

If you don’t mind doing the research but are not strong in writing, ask a friend/family member to edit your document instead of a resume service. After all, they might notice inconsistencies and mistakes you are likely to overlook.

It’s even better if one of your relatives or friends is good at writing and editing. They can help you express your personality and highlight your accomplishments in an appealing way. Such a person can fix errors, rearrange unclear or illogical parts of your resume, and tailor it to the job description. Just be sure to give them enough information to work with so that they focus on editing.

Final Thoughts

While it may be difficult to know exactly what you need to do when it comes to resume building, following the advice we’ve given above can help clear out the fog. Try out your options, take some time to reflect, and make the right decision. Trust yourself and rely on proven career resources.

In addition, after seeing examples of resumes sent out for job positions that are similar to your dream one, you’ll get a better picture of what it should look like. We wish our readers to craft a perfect resume that’ll make them stand out and land a job fast. Good luck!

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