GMAT Practice Question of the Day

Regularly practicing GMAT questions is the best way to prepare for the GMAT exam. We recommend taking a few practice questions each day from a quality GMAT Test Bank to keep the most important concepts and skills fresh in your mind.

To help you prepare, we have included a few practice questions from each section of the GMAT exam. Also be sure to check our comparison of the Best GMAT Prep Course options.

Pick the section you would like to practice and take our quiz to test your knowledge.

We have included each practice question below. The solutions and explanation is provided after you take our quiz.

Just click on the quiz link for each section to test your knowledge.

GMAT Math Practice Questions

Click below to practice GMAT math questions:

For problem solving questions, choose the answer that correctly solves the math question.

For data sufficiency questions, choose the answer that correctly reflects whether you have enough information to answer the question correctly.

Question #1

If (16)(4^2) = x(4^3), then x = ?

(A) 256

(B) 64

(C) 8

(D) 4

(E) 2

Question #2

How much in dollars is the price of a cell phone reduced in a sale?

  1. The cell phone is reduced by 10% during the sale.
  2. You can purchase the cell phone for $99 during the sale.

(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

(C) Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.

(D) Each statement alone is sufficient.

(E) Statements (1) and (2) together are not sufficient.

Question #3

Bill earned a score that is 20% greater than Steve. Mike earned a score that is 15% greater than Bill. What percent greater is Mike’s score than Steve?

(A) 35%

(B) 5%

(C) 38%

(D) 45%

(E) 43%

Question #4

Is the average of x, y, and z equal to 4?

  1. Three times the sum of x, y, and z is equal to 36.
  2. The sum of 2x, 2y, and 2z is equal to 24.

(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

(C) Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.

(D) Each statement alone is sufficient.

(E) Statements (1) and (2) together are not sufficient.

Question #5

You buy 12 pieces of candy for $5.40. If this is a 10% savings from the individual price of candy, then what is the price for 1 piece of candy?

(A) .50

(B) .60

(C) .40

(D) .30

(E) .55

GMAT Verbal Practice Questions

For sentence correction questions, read the sentence and choose the answer below that creates the most accurate sentence.

For critical reasoning questions, read the argument and choose the answer that most correctly answers the question.

Question #6

For sentence correction questions, read the sentence and choose the answer below that creates the most accurate sentence.

With less than 200 dollars in pre-order sales and fewer TV ads than expected, the new computer launch was canceled.

(A) less than 200 dollars in pre-order sales and fewer

(B) fewer than 200 dollars in pre-order sales and less

(C) fewer than 200 dollars in pre-order sales and fewer

(D) lesser than 200 dollars in pre-order sales and fewer

(E) less than 200 dollars in pre-order sales and as few

Question #7

New technology now makes it conceivable for customer service call-in help services to route calls they receive to almost anywhere, potentially allowing the customer service representatives to work from home, without the need for a daily commute.

The adoption of this policy would be most likely to increase productivity if employees did not …

(A) Commute to work from a distance of fewer than 20 miles.

(B) Commute by personal vehicle as opposed to by public transportation.

(C) Live in countries with acceptable telephone infrastructure.

(D) Need to ask other internal employees for help to solve some customer service questions.

(E) Have access to additional telephones in their household.

Question #8

Successful businesses not only anticipate potential challenges and have alternative options ready, instead continuing as if they are likely to occur at any time.

(A) Instead continuing as if they are likely to occur at any time.

(B) But also continue as if such problems are likely to occur at any time.

(C) But also continuing as if the occurrence of them is at any time likely.

(D) They instead continue as if their occurrence is likely at any time.

(E) Such problems are likely to occur at any time, is how they proceed.

Question #9

A newly discovered malady is thought to be caused by a particular microbe. Although, recently discovered information suggests that the microbe strengthens in the vicinity of a particular pathogen, implying that it is actually the pathogen that causes the new infection.

Which of the following would most support the above paragraph’s conclusion?

(A) Without the pathogen, the malady has been observed to follow infection by the microbe.

(B) The pathogen has been shown to benefit the growth of microbes, a series of events that often leads to the malady.

(C) The pathogen alone can be seen in many cases of the malady.

(D) In situations where the malady does not happen, infection by the microbe is usually preceded by infection from the pathogen.

(E) The start of the malady usually occurs after infection by both the microbe and the pathogen.

Question #10

Your company was not even public until 2009, when the owner and founder sold it to Michael Smith, a private equity investor, who took the company public and created a comprehensive and selective policy of company stock for exceptional workers.

(A) who took the company public and created a comprehensive and selective policy of company stock for

(B) who, taking the company public, created a comprehensive and selective policy of company stock for

(C) who, when he took the company public, created a comprehensive and selective policy of company stock to

(D) who had taken the company public and created a comprehensive and selective policy of company stock as

(E) taking the company public and creating a comprehensive and selective policy of company stock for

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